Contact Us :

Mailing Address:, Inc.
645 Lunt Ave
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Business Hours
Current Chicago Time:
Thu Feb 13 2025
12:36 AM
We're Closed
Suggested Contact Methods
By Telephone:
If you didn't notice, we're phone people. We don't mind if you call, and all calls during regular business hours are answered by a real live person!
If your request is URGENT (for example, you need something delivered TOMORROW), please call us so we can make sure your order gets the attention it needs.
Tech Support & RMA Requests: Phone is the preferred method for tech support and RMA requests. Troubleshooting things is just easier in real-time.
By Email:
If we're not open (or you're not in a rush) you can email us any time at: Email inquires are responded to within 1 business day.
Purchase Orders, Quote Requests, Customized Product Inquiries and all other inquiries can be addressed to
Our Office
Our office is located in Elk Grove Village, IL (a suburb of Chicago) We don't have a walk-in storefront but if you're local and want to pick up something, you can call us and place a Will-Call Order. Please call at least 30 minutes before you want to pick up so we can have it ready at the will call desk.